The Kansas Golf Course Superintendents Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving its members by providing them with educational, professional development, and networking opportunities, advancing their profession and enhancing the enjoyment, growth, and vitality of the game of golf.
KGCSA Continuing Education Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, June 5, 2025
WHERE: Hesston Golf Course
HOST: Bryant Welch
10:30 a.m. Registration
11:00 a.m. Lunch
11:30 a.m. Data Ccollection as a Tool, Not a Chorge. Simple but Actionable Metrics to Guide Turf Management Decisions - Bill Kreuser, GreenKeeper
(Approved for .10 GCSAA education points)
12:30 p.m. Golf - Trophy Tournament
COST: Golf & Lunch - $40.00 Lunch only - $15.00